Best work from home accessories

Best work from home accessories

Picture this: your boss walks into your office and offers you an opportunity to work from home. Your only options are to either accept or find a new job. Without hesitation you accept you think that this is gonna be great, your wildest dream has finally come true. You leave your place of work and rush home to prepare yourself and your home to work from home. You are greeted by your furry companion, screaming children, or the abyss that is complete silence. You deal with these things on a daily basis when you get home from work but can you handle them all day long every day while you work?  It’s at this point that you realize  Working from home can be a challenge. You have to be professional in an unprofessional setting. That’s not a thing that everyone can do but your boss feels like you can handle it so you try your best to make it work anyway. Because your only other option is to look for another job. So how can you make this work? 

First off I highly recommend finding a room that you can transform into a home office. Lots of people typically use their dining rooms or just a room with a table. Once you find your room you’ll need desk accessories for your home office. At first glance, you may think that this is just some way to get you to buy a bunch of stuff that you don’t actually need, but I can assure you that this is coming from someone who has tried working from home for long periods of time. When I first tried I was successful in the beginning but eventually I’d get completely distracted and lose hours of my days. Then I’d wake up and try again. It was a vicious cycle. You need home office desk accessories. Desk accessories for your home office don’t just look good, they keep your attention and set the mood while you work. You don’t have to remodel anything. You just need something that’s gonna keep your attention while you work without distracting you from working. 

Newton’s cradle 

Newton’s Cradle is one of my personal favorites. It’s not too expensive and it’s entertaining but not entertaining enough to cost you your job. You can play with it for hours and it just never gets old. But the sound of the balls constantly swinging back and forth may get annoying so it’s not ideal if your job involves a lot of phone calls. It won’t bother some people but Sometimes I’d catch myself listening to the balls instead of the customers. Of course, this all depends on your attention span and how much you actually care about your job and things like that. If you don’t think it’s gonna distract you then Newton’s cradle is a great desk accessory for your home office. 

Stress balls

Stress balls are a great to keep your attention and relieve stress while you work simply put the ball in the palm of your hand and squeeze. These things are also great because they’re usually very inexpensive 


Figurines of your favorite characters may seem childish but you’re at home and you’re bored so who cares? Find some figurines of your favorite characters, play with them, and readjust them every hour on the hour or while you work. The best part is they can be literally anyone you want them to be which is why they are among the best work from home accessories. 

Newton’s cradle, stress balls, and figurines are among some of the few things you could use as home office desk accessories. They can be anything you want. If you really want to be successful at working from home you gotta make sure you don’t get distracted. 

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